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CRM for

real estate

Templates for different types of real estate with customized fields and filters, tools for tracking the status of objects, sales and rental funnels, and detailed analytics.
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We will connect communication channels to the CRM system - and all communication will take place in one space for you

From real estate management to effective work on social networks and messengers

Оur approach to automating real estate agencies includes innovative Planfix platform tools and API integrations with other systems. You can create a unified database of properties, track their statuses, and communicate effectively with clients and owners in a single interface. Automate sales, rentals, integration with social networks, and obtain detailed analytics with a few clicks, avoiding extra work with different systems

Suitable for:

For business owners

Manage and monitor all processes in your agency, scalable and adaptable to various business needs

For real estate agencies

Increase productivity and competitiveness in the market through automation and a personalized approach to each client

For rental/sales real estate agents

Centralized management of your properties, including sales and rentals. Effective communication with clients and owners through social media and messenger integration

For managing companies

Obtain analytics for planning and making informed management decisions. Improve efficiency and optimize costs through automated processes and centralized management

About the service


Monitor Sales

Manage various property types with customizable templates, track sales status, and analyze property sales

Optimize Rentals

Use templates for different rental properties, track rental status, and provide customized analytics

Streamline Owner Communication

Manage separate communication processes with property owners and display all owner properties efficiently
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Enhance Client Interaction

Integrate structures for displaying client offers and communicate effectively

Effective Proposal-Showing System

Manage and track proposals and showings of properties with detailed analytics

Analyze and Report

Utilize cumulative analytics for agent performance evaluation and property reporting

Integrate with External Systems

Integrate with websites, social media, messengers, and automate internal business processes

Platform features

Sales Management and Rental Control
Simplify real estate sales with templates for various property types and custom fields, track statuses, and analyze activity results.
Real Estate Analytics
Gain detailed analytical data on property value changes and the effectiveness of sales and rentals.
Communication with Owners
Integrate communication with property owners into your processes, ensuring convenience and effective interaction.
Client Interaction
Optimize communication with clients through various channels, enhancing service levels and client satisfaction.
Interface Customization
Tailor the system interface to your business's specific needs, ensuring flexibility and work efficiency.
Integration with Digital Platforms
Connect your websites and social networks to the system for broader client interaction.
Mobile application
Use the mobile app for easy access to information about your facilities and quick communication with customers at any time.
Process Automation
Simplify and automate everyday business processes, increasing productivity and saving time.
Tasks and comments
Facilitate teamwork by using internal tasks and comments to share ideas and align processes.
General features
Increase productivity and collaboration among colleagues with automation, use reports, integrations, and analytics to improve your business.
Customization and expansion
Manage company settings, add documents, and use APIs to expand your business opportunities.

See how it works

CRM for real estate: Interact with clients and instantly schedule showings
Fill out a customized property card
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the features and functionality of the
service, apply for a free demo
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Plan A
Plan B
Plan F

Аccount setup

Registration of a new account, invitation, and configuration of employees in Planfix

Free support and training

3 days
5 days
7 days

Analytics and reporting

Cumulative analytics for each client's proposals and property views
Cumulative analytics for each owner's property proposals and views
Ability to track and assess the efficiency of each agent's work based on their proposals and property views to clients
Number of specialized reports on demand*
Financial analytics
Report builder

Knowledge base

Pre-installed directory structure of quick answers/queries with the option for self-completion
Quick answers directory customization
Deployment of time tracking configuration

Real estate sales

Templates of various types for real estate sales (Apartment, House, Land, Commercial) with customizable fields for each type
Current status of property sales
Property funnel by status
Ability to add custom fields
Sales analytics by property and its statuses
Bulk actions with properties
Customizable filters for any property sales field
Ability to leave comments on the property and conduct separate communication with the team
History and analytics of property value changes
Personalized schedulers for management or workers

Real estate rental

Templates of various types for real estate rental (Apartment, House, Commercial) with customizable fields for each type
Bulk actions with rental properties
Rental property funnel by statuses
Ability to add custom fields
Rental property analytics by property and its statuses
Bulk actions with rental properties
Customizable filters for any rental property field
Ability to leave comments on the property and conduct separate communication with the team
History and analytics of property value changes
‎Personalized schedulers for management or workers

Communication with clients/owners

Communication task for each owner/client in a convenient channel for them
Communication link with the owner/client in each property
Changing the property template when communicating with the owner/client depending on the type of real estate
Convenient display structure of all owner's properties/all proposals for the client

Proposal-show entity

Client's proposal as a separate entity with its own funnel
Each proposal is mandatory for accounting and consideration by the client with mandatory recording of the consideration result
Each proposal can turn into a property showing
Property showing as a separate entity with its own funnel
Each property showing is mandatory for accounting and consideration by the client with mandatory recording of the showing result
Calendar of property showings with agent time booking
Personal workspace for each agent

Description of the system's general capabilities

Integration with website, Instagram, Facebook, Google Forms, Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp, corporate email
IP telephony
Flexible access configuration to information in the system (directories, clients, contacts…)
Employee groups and hierarchical relationships
Mobile application
Reach a whole new level of recruiting –
smarter, more efficient, faster!

How it works?

Platform Presentation

Arranging a video call with you to demonstrate the capabilities of the platform according to your request

Creating Terms of Reference

Discussing tasks and requirements for the implementation, agreeing on terms and conditions

System Setup

Configuring the platform according to the ToR

Hello World

Agreeing on all settings and connecting the platform to your accounts

Support and Maintenance

Providing technical support and staff training

Chat with the support team

You can ask all questions about the platform or work process in a joint chat with our support team

User reviews

Victoria Brezgalova

Thanks to ProcessFather and Planfix, we have improved all of our processes by 70%. 100% improvement wouldn’t have been possible since we are a large production company.

Without automation, we would go crazy, especially with social media. Thanks to Planfix, I have two online store managers working effectively. When it comes to requests from our social media accounts, my managers and I always have a finger on the pulse. Thanks to Planfix, managers see interested customers under each post and do their best to convert every lead to an actual buyer. In the past, we lost too many customers because we didn’t properly manage the comments under our posts. And now, using Planfix, we work with every customer who simply leaves a comment under a post expressing how they liked something that we sell. In 50% of cases, these leads become customers.

Big thank you to your entire team for constantly being online and answering my questions. Couldn’t be happier to work with professionals like you!

Andriy Panchenko

I own a company that manufactures and sells shoes online. Before we implemented Planfix, my main problem was that we couldn't scale the business. I could not hire new managers, there were problems with connecting Facebook and Instagram, and other sites. We could not reply to our customers in messengers. I had a separate manager or several managers for each site, they were confused and conflicted with each other. Decent control of KPIs and manager productivity was out of the question.After we implemented Planfix, we were able to scale the business. Managers became universal regardless of the site, and clear and understandable control tools were implemented. Before Planfix, I had 3 people working in the sales department. Today I have 17 people working there. We’ve almost tripled our sales!I went through many CRM systems before implementing Planfix, the main deciding factor for me was the approach that Mykola and his team used at ProcessFather. I talked to a lot of teams that implemented both Bitrix24 and AMO CRM, and they weren’t completely satisfied with the CRMs. It was very important for me to be in constant contact with Mykola and his team so that my demands were met as quickly as possible, and exactly the way I wanted.I am absolutely satisfied with the cooperation, this is the fourth year that we’ll be working together. Everything is great. Thank you, ProcessFather!

Kim Fomkin

To everyone who’s currently struggling with business automation and building systematic work processes for the company, I definitely recommend Mykola and his team.

Step by step we’re solving various processes in my IT company. As a recent example, we have developed and implemented a system for our new "server technical support and administration" services that automates and simplifies work with our clients.

I really like Mykola's work principles. He’s always eager to offer the best solutions, without trying to add extra work. Our cooperation is very efficient and transparent.

Yaremenko Vadym

Our company offers chimney and venting services with home visits. For 6 months we’d been using AMO CRM, but it did not solve our problems, so we started to look for another solution that would cover our needs while offering flexible settings + good ratio of price/quality. At the Business Concentrate forum, we were advised to pay attention to PlanFix, and that’s how we turned to the guys from ProcessFather. We didn’t have a huge budget, so we broke down the CRM integration into step-by-step stages, and everything worked out 🙂 Hooray! Slowly but surely, we’ve adjusted all the main processes and taught the employees how to work with the platform. It took them some time to get used to this new software, but eventually, they figured it out! Now everything works as we wanted. The reports are displayed automatically and there’s finally no need to create them manually! We’re exploring all of the features, improving, making adjustments, and learning! I’m really satisfied with the cooperation 😀🙏 The most valuable thing to note is the loyal, understanding, and compassionate attitude of Mykola and his ProcessFather team!

Andriy Kolomiytsev

Many thanks to Mykola! I’m happy to cooperate with ProcessFather.

Their team of specialists managed to implement a model of our company's business processes into the CRM Planfix system, which allowed to formalize the relationship in the vertical management of the company and make the work process much more manageable.

I definitely recommend these guys.They respond almost instantly to any adjustment requests and when new tasks arise.

Cool people, great cooperation.

Albert Shoom

Huge thanks to ProcessFather for helping to put our social media in order. Instagram and Facebook provide little functionality to work with customers, and ProcessFather, together with Planfix, fills all the gaps due to which we may lose customers, orders, and money.

The platform takes some time to get used to, but after that life becomes much easier))

And most importantly, whenever something is unclear, you can contact ProcessFather support, and they will instantly solve any of your problems.

Alexandr Kuznetsov

Planfix is a powerful corporate governance tool. We at InteractiveCenter didn’t use PlanFix to its full potential before teaming up with ProcessFather. In the span of several months of cooperation, we’ve managed to digitize important business processes. Mykola is extremely proactive! He doesn’t simply follow the ToR but predicts and makes guesses about what we actually need. Then he helps us to form requests and implement them. Recommended!

Anastasia Karida

Lead Maketer
It is a pleasure to work with professionals who can hear, submerge into, and understand the specifics of the client's business process. Thank you Process Father for your promptness, expertise, and patience :)

Nikita Pustovoi

For some time we worked with AMO CRM. It was convenient for us in terms of making calls, the sales department was satisfied, the integration with landing worked great, and everything was great. But the integration with Instagram and direct messages, in particular, worked crookedly. There were very few useful settings, filters, analytics, controls, etc…

We didn't know what to do and by chance, I met Mykola and his company ProcessFather. He offered to start working with Planfix. We didn’t know about this software at all, you’d agree it’s not the most popular platform out there. But we decided to take a risk and give it a try. So now with Planfix, our team has grown to 17 people, they work with the platform efficiently, and everything’s clear and transparent. There are different policies for the distribution of leads, you can easily monitor conversion rates, and you can see how many leads of different statuses each manager works with. We can precisely determine the load and therefore draw conclusions. It has become much easier to run a company.

Simple chatting in the direct messages doesn’t lead to any conclusions, it is impossible to calculate the profit. With 12 people, you can’t just go in and count the money. Without this platform, we would not be making as much money for sure. Everything would be much more complicated. Employees would not earn so much, they would have lower efficiency, it’s all closely connected. We would have an increased staff turnover, the recruiter would have more work, and so on ...

Just imagine how one platform can solve so many issues. I am very grateful to ProcessFather for their help, what they did for us is just fantastic. You surely gotta try to work with them!


Can templates be customized for different types of real estate?

Yes, our product allows for customizing templates for each real estate type, including apartments, houses, plots, and commercial properties.

How does the sales funnel work?

The sales funnel tracks the status of each property in the sales/rental process, simplifying management and sales optimization.

Can custom fields be added to the system?

Yes, our system allows the addition of custom fields to tailor information to specific business needs.

Is there an option for analyzing sales and rentals of properties?

Yes, our product offers detailed analytics for each property, including the history of value changes and sales/rental statuses.

How does the system facilitate communication with clients or owners?

The system integrates communication with clients through convenient channels like social media and messengers, ensuring effective interaction.

Is integration with external platforms possible?

Yes, our product supports integration with various websites and social networks to enhance client interaction.

Can daily processes in the system be automated?

Yes, the system allows the automation of many daily processes, increasing efficiency and reducing time expenditure.

What customization options are available for agents' workspaces?

Agents can tailor their personal workspaces using planning tools, individual filters, and adjusting access to information in the system.

Can client reactions to proposals be tracked?

Yes, the system allows tracking client feedback on each proposal and analyzing their interests and preferences.

How does the property showcase calendar function?

The calendar facilitates planning showcases, scheduling agent time, and tracking all planned client meetings.

Is it possible to generate reports on agents' performance?

Yes, the system allows for creating reports on the efficiency of each agent, including their proposals and showcases.

Does your platform integrate with OLX?

Yes, our unique solution integrates with OLX, enabling you to upload your ads and freely communicate with potential buyers or renters for each listing.

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Why choose us?

Our solution stands out in the market
Our solution has no equivalents on the market.
We support customers and respond to requests in an average of 15 minutes
Planfix has been on the market from 2013, providing a reliable foundation for your personalized HRM/ATS system
IT Expertise
Our team has of experience in IT from 2018, working on various IT solutions for businesses, which gives us insight into the specifics of such products and effective operational management
Ease of Use
We've ensured that making any changes can be done without involving programmers
Platform for Building Your Own Management System
Planfix is more than just project and task management. It helps you create CRM, production management systems, employee workload management, and much more. It's a comprehensive system for managing your company, not just a collection of modules
Unique Tools
Planfix allows you to do what's impossible in other systems. Even basic features like recurring tasks or report builders in Planfix are implemented at a deeper level, providing more capabilities. The Planner, Chronicle, and Analytics make the system powerful and pleasantly surprise everyone who gets acquainted with Planfix
Planfix Helps You Work the Way You Need
Not how its creators imagined. You can use ready-made solutions or decide how it should work yourself. This freedom attracts our users, and thanks to it, Planfix literally grows with your company
A Unified System Where Everything Is at Hand
All departments and business processes in Planfix work with shared data, eliminating the need for manual data transfer and duplication. This streamlines work and reduces the likelihood of errors between departments and processes
Planfix Can Look Like Your Corporate Management System
In corporate colors, with your company's logo and menu items leading to your websites and services. This makes it the "main program" that your employees launch when sitting at their computers, increasing their engagement in the work process
Planfix Offers User-Friendly and Fast Apps for iOS and Android
Even when you're on the go, you'll have access to your projects, receive timely reminders, communicate with colleagues and clients, assign and complete tasks